LVT Test Laboratories
Fire Hazard Testing : IEC 60695 Series
Fire Hazard Testing : IEC 60695 Series

IEC 60695 scopes are standard series that classify fire hazard test methods.

Fire Hazard Testing : IEC 60695 Series

Fire Hazard Testing : IEC 60695 Series

IEC 60695 Series

IEC 60695 scopes are standard series that classify fire hazard test methods. Fire hazard tests of raw materials or semi-finished materials are carried out within the scope of 

IEC 60695 standard series.

The main IEC 60695 Series Standards are as follows.

Fire hazard testing - Part 2-10: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure

This test process includes the technical conditions required for the glow wire device as well as the glowing wire test controls of the products that are likely to burn. Meanwhile, the height of the flame formed on the test sample is measured. During the test, it is observed whether there is dripping and whether the special paper under the test sample ignites. The result of the test is determined by these observations.


Fire hazard testing - Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for end-products (GWEPT)

This test includes the glow wire test controls of the final products. The test sample is touched to the glowing wire under the conditions specified by the standard. Meanwhile, the height of the flame formed on the test sample is measured. During the test, it is observed whether there is dripping and whether the special paper under the test sample ignites. The result of the test is determined by these observations.

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-5: Test flames - Needle-flame test method - Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement and guidance

The needle flame test can be applied to any part of any product with the specifications specified in the standard. Checks for dripping during the test period are performed and it is observed whether it ignites the special cotton piece under the test sample. The result of the test is determined by the situation that occurs at the end of these processes.

Fire hazard testing - Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods

The combustion categories of the raw products are determined by 50 W horizontal and vertical flame methods test. There are 2 test methods within the scope of TS EN // IEC 60695-11-10 standard. It is divided into two as vertical flame method and horizontal flame method. The fireproof category of the raw product is determined as a result of these tests.

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