LVT Test Laboratories
EMC Test Standard : IEC 60034-1
EMC Test Standard : IEC 60034-1

IEC 60034-1 standard is one of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) product standards.

EMC Test Standard :  IEC 60034-1

EMC Test Standard : IEC 60034-1

IEC 60034-1 Standard

Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance

IEC 60034-1 standard is one of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) product standards. Rotating electrical machine product manufacturers design their products according to IEC 60034-1 standard and have them tested (EMC Test).

IEC 60034-1 standard; The electronic components required for the operation of a rotary electric machine and installed inside (eg rotary excitation devices) cover the immunity and emission requirements regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for the machine's electrical equipment.

The purpose of the IEC 60034-1 standard is to specify the general characteristics and tests (EMC Test) for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for rotary electrical machines.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Tests:

Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC Test) are tests in which the operation of any electrical and electronic device or system is controlled without being affected by and affecting other devices or systems in the environment. EMC Tests are generally examined in 2 general categories as immunity and emission.

Immunity EMC Tests;

Immunity Test Levels:

Machines without electronic circuits

Machines that do not contain electronic circuits are not susceptible to electromagnetic propagation under normal operating conditions and therefore immunity tests are not required.

Machines containing electronic circuits

Electronic circuits inside machines usually contain passive components (Immunity experiments are not necessary for diodes, resistors, varistors, capacitors, surge arresters, inductance coils.)

Emission EMC Tests ; 

Brushless machines

Radiated and transmitted emissions must comply with CISPR 11 Class B Group 1 rules (see Table B.1).

Brushless machines must comply with the emission limits in Article 13.3.1.

Brush machines

Radiated and transmitted (if applicable) emissions must comply with the CISPR 11 Class A Group 1 rules (see Table B.2).

Warning: Class A equipment is intended for use in an industrial environment. 

The documentation prepared for the usermshould be worded to point out that there may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in other environments due to conducted and radiated disturbances.

Type tests should be made according to the appropriate one of CISPR 11, CISPR 14 and CISPR 16.

NOTE; Since the emission from squirrel cage induction motors is always very low, no testing was needed.

When brushed machines are tested under no load, they must comply with the spreading limits in Article 13.3.2.

NOTE 1: No-load measurement is done because the effect of the load on emission is negligible.

NOTE 2:  DC machines directly a.a. transmitted from these machines, since it is not connected to the there is no emission.

NOTE 3: No testing is needed as the emission from grounding brushes is always very low.